Awards and Recognitions

Juwon Lawal

Award: Corporate Live WireGlobal Awards

JuWonTankers (Formally Known as AfricentOCL Uk Ltd.)

Award: Corporate Live WireGlobal Awards

ABD Fuels Ltd

Award: Best Marine Logistics Services Provider of the Year


Juwon Lawal Razaq was Nominated and accepted by Forbes Business Council

2013 Juwon Lawal Razaq

Award: Young Entrepreneur of the Year

2021 Juwon Lawal was

Award: Business Man of the Year Award


Juwon Lawal Razaq was appointed as Global Ambassador and Member of the Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club, London

July 2023

JuWonTankers (Formally Known as AfricentOCL Uk Ltd.)

Award: Maritime Materials and Vessel Chartering Provider of the Year by Greater London Enterprise Award

2023: Juwon Lawal

– Recognition: Soon to be Associate Alumni of Imperial College Business School, London

We are proud of our achievements and continue to strive for excellence in our field.

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